Generally speaking, interlaced video can be directly displayed on
ALiS plasma panels and the old CRTs. However, modern computer video displays
and TV sets are mostly based on LCD technology, the majority of which adopt
progressive scanning. Therefore, interlaced video can not be directly displayed
on such modern computer video displays and TV sets. Under this circumstance,
the technique of deinterlacing is of great necessity and value in our daily
life. The process of deinterlacing plays a vital role for people to display
interlaced video on a progressive scan display.
As a matter of fact, deinterlacing is an imperfect technique. Most
of the time, it will lower the resolution and lead to a variety of artifacts,
especially in those areas with objects in motion. Only when users are equipped
with some very expensive and complex devices and algorithms can they get the
interlaced video with the best picture quality. For television displays,
deinterlacing systems are integrated into progressive scan TV sets that accept
interlaced video.
The majority of modern computer monitors do not support interlaced
video. Therefore, users have to perform deinterlacing in the software in
advance, which enables the interlaced video to be played back on a computer
display. Actually, the deinterlacing process often adopts some vey simple
methods. As a result, the interlaced video often has visible artifacts on
computer systems. Interlaced video may be edited by computer systems, but the
video content being edited can only be viewed properly with the help of a separate
video display hardware for there the computer video display system and the
interlaced television signal format have various differences. Fortunately,
current manufacture TV sets has adopted a system of a system of intelligently
extrapolating the extra information that would be present in a progressive
signal entirely from an interlaced original.